Sunday 13 April 2014

Day 103: Down came the rain...

Day 103: ...and flushed the fungi out

Perhaps it has something to do with the cyclone up north, but today in Brisbane it was a wet and rainy day. Perfect day for staying indoors and reading (Hannah Arendt, of course). Until I noticed that the Gallery of Modern Art in town was showing the Orson Wells classic 'Citizen Kane'. And so I thought, why not? 

That got me outdoors when I least expected it to do so and the rain always brings out interesting additions to the lawn...these two caught my eye as I stepped out to catch the bus: the mushrooms weren't there yesterday...and I'm a little intrigued that, as I looked a little closer,  I might have caught a mushroom in the process of emerging from the I haven't seen that before. 

Fungi 1

Fungi 2
As for Citizen Kane, it is a deserved classic...with strong resonance still today with media moguls and their ilk. Glad I stepped out to see it, in the rain. 

[Camera : iPhone 4S, 12.02pm]